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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

.: xj's here early in the morning! =P :.


hehx! boo been missing out on sqd outings. im really sooooo sorry bout it.
but i will try my best to make it dere the next time okays?? maybe we can have a may day outing! =D

hehx! i was on a cruise dats why i missed the outing on good friday. blehx.
hope u guys had fun! let me guess... u guys watched fast n furious 4 and dinnered! hahax. so clever of me! =D

okays, anyways, more ppl have enlisted! so yupps, ALL THE BEST guys. hehx!
quoted from bong! 'Its gonna be 2 years. So lets just make the best out of it.'
yupps, guys take care alright. =)))

and to the girls! GOOD LUCK for all ur uni applications! wish u girls get into ur desired courses as results are creeping out!
hehx! and we shall continue running! so come come join us run more kaex??? run off the fats! hahax.
and MR SP! u shld come running too! return the stuff u stole from us during march camp! wad a wonderful reason for you to come running isnt it! muahahahax! =D

till the next time we meet again! love you guys. im missing u all knows! =)))

|8:43 AM|

Sunday, March 29, 2009

.: the runs :.

eh. the title sounds like we lao sai but we are not!

we went to pandan last sun!
in case you forgot what pandan looked like,

it looks like this!

so we ran, and after like 4km, while the night sky was getting darker and darker,
we were running through swarms of flies.
and the flies looked like this.

and so we endured on, swatting flies, and watching a very nice sunset. and while the sunset, our ma'am xj, with her ever alert eyes, spotted something in the water......

it is.....

a crocodile!
in case you all forgot what a crocodile looks like. the pic not very nice so maybe you all can go watch okto animal night. for those in army, you all can go jump into some sea or ocean and maybe can still see one alive one.

ok maybe it's not a crocodile,

then it's a komodo dragon!

or maybe

it's the loch ness monster.

wow, xj's eyes are sharp! bu kui shi wo men de admin head!

anyway, so we finished our 6.3km safely and not eaten by any of the above scary animals. aren't you glad?

anyway, those who want to come jian fei can always come find us and join us in our runs. (sounds like lao sai) and then after that can come dinner with us!
for now, it's weds and sunday evenings!
7pm for weds and 6pm for sundays, please msg any of us if you all wanna come along. (:
meanwhile, those in army, hang in there! while those working, endure on too! pay day is near! lol.

|11:23 PM|

Saturday, March 21, 2009

.: its still xj. :.

hellox ppl! yupps! come back visit this blog every now n then okays?? and lets keep it alive by posting more stuff! anything. from ur ns life to uni applications! hahax.

anyways. all the best to uni applications yo! and dude who are still having block leave! take care and jiayoux with ur postings! =)))

and yes, so maybe u gus can post like stuff bout where u posted to or wad u applied for in uni!

hehx. okays i shall start a little! hehx. i kinda applied for physiotherapy! but spore doesnt offer, except polys. which is kinda waste to study dere. so i tried overseas, in aussie! hahax. okays, rather im still trying to! but yupps, i applied scholarships too! so if i get scholarship den i will most prob be going over. but if i dun, den i will probably stay local! hehx.
since its not confirmed yet, shall leave the mushy stuff till its confirmed! =P
yupps, so local i only applied ntu n nus, mainly, science business and arts! hahax. yupps. dats bout it on my side.

so guys, ur turn to post! =)))

and oh, running tmr in the evening at pandan reservoir!! yini told me meeting 6 at je! hehx. interested, free to join!
keep urself healthy and lose those calories!! =D

hehx. meanwhile, take care ppl! =D

|10:13 PM|

Thursday, March 12, 2009

.: xj's here! :.

ok cool. thanks so much to eric for inviting me! hehx!
its time to revive this blog yo!!

lets see...

okays. tmr, fri 13 Mar 2009.
UG camps happening. the CIs of our batch are probably going back.
on top of dat, yini anna jx n me are going back too! we are so gonna run dere on the track.

we are training up for sundown marathon on the 30th of May!
so we are kinda running every week!
its every wed at bukit gombak stadium at 7pm!
after runs at 830pm (since the stadium closes at that EARLY hour) we go for dinner! usually just at the coffeeshop opposite the station.
so yes ppl, if u wanna stay fit and shed those calories and fats, feel free to join us! if not u can just join us for the after-run-food! =D
but oh before u come, msg one of us to confirm first, in case u mae a wasted trip.

yupps, feel free to join us anytime!

and yes. UG camp doesnt go without CANDLELIGHT NIGHT!
its a time for us to meet up ppl!! go go okays???
leave a msg if u will be back! =)

spread the msg of the revival of our blog!

oh frens, we can contribute and just update anythings dats HAPPENING! ur sch life, ur social life, ur ns life, ur working life, ur slacking life. anything ppl!

|5:45 PM|

Monday, October 29, 2007

.: squad chalet 2007 :.

and here is the main event again.
i noe not many ppl come here now.
but still:

DATE: 21st- 23rd NOV 2007

really sorry for the ex price.
we could have an earlier chalet date
if not for: the MOST HATED PROJECT WORK!

so just take note and pass msg to peeps in ur sch!

P.S. i just updated a little on the blog links, too lazy to do the rest, if one wants to volunteer, pls take over. lol. and this place getting dead huh.

*i miss UNIT chalets, but SQUAD CHALET WILL ROCK TOO!

brought to u by the food and lodging chalet coordinator:
yong hao and eric!

|6:03 PM|

Sunday, November 19, 2006

.: :.

da jia hao!
O levels are over!
so stop thinking about it le..
cheer up!

more importantly..
there is a squad outing on the 27th nov to 28 nov.
it is an overnight cycling expedition round east coast park (maybe we gonna venture further.)
we will be cycling from 27 nov 8pm to 28 nov 8am.
we will be makaning dinner and breakfast together ba.
more details will be available soon.

have a happy holiday!


|10:30 PM|

Thursday, October 05, 2006

.: :.

finally found our old, original group blog.
really brings back those memories.
we were so damn cute when we were sec 1 and 2..

a group of funny and crappy ppl.

go on, i know you wanna look back at how kuku we were last time. =)
old squad blog

|8:25 PM|

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

.: :.

drill comp. 06

take note of their arm swing and their solid bangSSSS. this is the drill comp 06 1st runner up drilling. everyone watch and learn. though we already retire le, budden just see for shuang oso can. good luck for prelims.

|6:37 PM|

Sunday, August 06, 2006

.: r0d twoO0siX :.

the time has come. tmr;s the day. its time to say goodbye to rvnp. we all noe that its jus a physical goodbye. for theres always the attachment psychologically to it. the CCA that provided us with the moments as 28 different people together. the CCA that brought us tgt. the CCA that gave me many best frens. i would say im a little reluctant. i can say that the 27 of u all are the best ppl i met in my life. wanna thank all of my gr8 sqdmates for the past four years esp the last one. supporting and encouragin each other. to move on. i noe i haven really said thank you and may have taken things for granted. wish to express my greatest gratitude to every single one of u all. for making the best of my NP life. for enriching my life. for being that big part of my life. the feeling cannot be expressed in words. i wish everyone of u all all the best in ur future endeavours. esp the Os. "Do not give up when the night is at its darkest, for its a while till dawn" jiayous ba.
lets keep on moving.

u guys rawk my life///

|10:22 PM|

Monday, June 19, 2006

.: :.

since the tagboard is gone. think i might as well write a post here. there's the HIGHLY ANTICIPATED unit bbq this weds. 21/6. so pls go ok.. this gonna be the last few times we can go out tgt. take this as a squad outing? maybe we going there earlier to cycle or maybe you all wan to meet up at je to have lunch tgt before going to east coast.. ?

ppl who can make it on that day pls go ok.. have as many ppl goin as possible..

and also to all ssgt, if you all still arent aware, we have to come back to take act on the 23,24, 27, 30 june and the 1 july. those who have nyaa on fri, can some of you all go for the nyaa, and the rest help take act? really the last 5 acts le. after that, we can concentrate on our studies ler. so everyone must jiayou ok.. no more slacking. and let's hope MR oh and the old bird dont give us anymore SURPRISES.

|11:17 AM|



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...stay united though we have ROD...
...remain in contact with each other...
...rvnp to continue getting a GOLD...
...the bond must be better than (C=C)...
...squad chalets every year...
...meet as much as possible...
...have more sqd outings...
...rvnps3o5 4ever...
...let our legacy light others pathway...
...rmb the things we have learnt...
...red river valley...


.::officially joined rvnp in 2003::.

140103- first activity in rvnp
040203- first campcraft lesson
140303-160303- first internal training camp
010603- first civil defence lesson
221103- first badge (awarded campcraft badge)
221103- first muster parade
050304-070304- sec 2 adventure training camp
120304-140304- sec2 internal training camp
180304- civil defence course
030404- npcc service day 2004
100704- Sec 2 practice shoot
170704- 2nd muster parade
170704,240704- junior nco modular course
310704- ROD 2004
040904- interunit bball competition
020305- sec 3 classification shoot
140305,150305- sec3 internal training camp
230405- NPCC day parade- contingent 8
060605-080605- nco modular course(school)
090605-110605- LMSC course
130605-170605- sec 3 thailand trip
210605- Singapore anti-narcotics association course
220605-240605- sec 3 adventure training camp
150705- became ncos (ROD 2005)
090905- 3rd muster parade
251105- bball competition 2005
101205- unit outing to macritchie reservoir
160106- school's 5oth anniversary parade
160106- 4th muster parade
180206- cc comp boys
250206- cc comp gals
100306- npcc service day 2006
110306- adventure training facility
130306-140306- last internal training camp
160306- air pistol course
070806- ROD 2006

.::officially left rvnp in 2006::.





.December 2005.February 2006.March 2006.June 2006.August 2006.October 2006.November 2006.October 2007.March 2009.April 2009



or any other tagboards





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zhi qi


min ee<3!



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